
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Another One Down

Happy Married Life Amir Rizal..Have A Blissful Married Life!!
p/s To all single man in geng bulan..we're counting our days now..but the Question is who's NEXT??!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Adolf Hitler's Rise To Power

I've always been fascinated by the world's history, the downfall, the assassinations, the triumph, the glory and etc. One of my favorite history is the downfall dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. Such idealism, power, vision, such visceral inspiration of nationalism.With such power his falter of militarism and brutality era caused by his anti-Semitic idealism and obsession for anti-zionism which he did call once a "great movement" coalesced his view that one cannot be both a German and a Jew. This entry is not to emphasized on the cruelty and racism ideology that he's stands for, but to dedicate the idea and share on Hitler's remarkable and astounding idealism of his that have change the history of the world. A man who've conquered the world with his vision and brutality. Fascinating!

History of Adolf Hitler's himself (based on wikipedia.)
Hitler rose to a place of prominence in the early years of the party (1919 - 1923) largely as a result of his considerable skills in oratory, organization and promotion. He was aided in part by his willingness to use violence in advancing his political objectives and to recruit party members who were willing to do the same. Later his book Mein Kampf (usually translated as My Struggle) introduced Hitler to a wider audience. Hitler's rise to power in Germany began  in September 1919 when Hitler joined the political party that was known as the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (abbreviated as DAP, and later commonly referred to as the Nazi Party). This political party was formed and developed during the post-World War I era. It was anti-Marxist and was opposed to the democratic post-war government of the Weimar Republic and the Treaty of Versailles; and it advocated extreme nationalism and Pan-Germanism as well as virulent anti-Semitism.
In his book Mein Kampf has assumed a key place in the functionalism versus intentionalism debate. Intentionalists insist that the passage stating that if 12,000–15,000 Jews were gassed, then "the sacrifice of millions of soldiers would not have been in vain," proves quite clearly that Hitler had a master plan for the genocide of the Jewish people all along. In Mein Kampf, Hitler blamed Germany’s chief woes on the parliament of the Weimar Republic, the Jews, Social Democrats, as well as Marxists. He announced that he wanted to completely destroy the parliamentary system, believing it in principle to be corrupt, as those that reach power are inherent opportunist.
After 75 years, his dictatorship ascended to the Chancellery and secured his hold on Germany. Hitler once announces his hatred of what he believed to be the world's twin evils: Communism and Judaism. The new territory that Germany needed to obtain would properly nurture the "historic destiny" of the German people; this goal, which Hitler referred to as Lebensraum (living space), explains why Hitler aggressively expanded Germany Eastward, specifically the invasions of Czechoslovakia and Poland, before he launched his attack against Russia. Here is some of the historic pics of Hitler's reign era.(courtesy of Time Magazine.)

Out of Obscurity
After serving unremarkably in the First World War, the future dictator immersed himself in the German nationalist politics of Munich. In 1921, he claimed control of the German Workers Party and renamed it the National Socialist German Workers Party, and gave himself the title of Führer. In this 1922 photo, he poses with members of the group's paramilitary organization, the Sturmabteilung, known by its initials, SA.

After an abortive seizure of power in 1923, known in history books as the Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler was arrested and tried. During the trial, however, he was given unlimited time to speak and his popularity soared. By the time this photo was taken in 1929, he was out of jail and gaining prominence.

A great deal of the Führer's appeal lay in his inflammatory speeches attacking Jews, social democrats, capitalists and communists. His comments often evoked a sense of wounded national pride caused by the losses imposed on Germany by the allies at the end of World War I.

After a series of national elections, the National Socialists rose to become the largest party in the Reichstag, or Parliament. On the 30th of January, 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg was forced to appoint Hitler, the party leader, as Chancellor.

Corridors of Power
During Hitler's time in power, the German government sponsored architecture on an immense scale, including this office building in Munich, designed by architect Paul Troost.

Mass Meeting
Gigantic political rallies became a staple of life in the new Nazi Germany. At this gathering at Buckeberg in 1934, the Führer passes risers of flag-bearing members of the SA.

After pressuring Austria to join with Germany, Hitler turned his sights on a German-speaking region of Czechoslovakia, called the Sudatenland. At a summit held in Munich in 1938, the allies agreed to allow Germany to annex the lands. In the fall of that year, Nazi vehicles paraded triumphantly through one of the district's towns.

Salute to Evil
By 1938, Hitler was the supreme leader of Germany. Within a year, his aggressive policies would plunge Europe into war and his racist ideas would find horrific implementation. It is estimated that over ten million people, including six million Jews, died in the German death camps.

Read more about Adolf Hitler here
Courtesy of Time Magazine & Wikipedia 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Is It Now?

Am I getting old before my time? 
My life's coming towards me like a speeding bullet. 
Am I blind for what is in front of me? 
I can't get to run away from it. 
I'm freaking Out *AGAIN* 
I guess it's just way too early.
I can't commit without solid ground. 
It's normal to say my reasons right?
Maybe all I need is time.
If only I had better ground.
Maybe It's a test from HIM.

p/s for what ever you do.I'll support you no matter what.that's a promise

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Youth In Revolt

Youth in revolt really portraits about the agonies of a teenage virgin (Nick Twisp played by Michael Cera) whose been frustrated by his lack of "sex experience" and in desperate attempts craving for a "cheap-ass-fuck-made-believe-sex". A story about what a teenage will do whose fueled with angst becoming a rebellious and revolted for an "everlasting lustful puppy LOVE". Michael Cera also plays as François Dillinger an imaginary alter ego inspired by Jean-Paul Belmondo whose been driving Nick mad for the "made believe sex" that he's going to have with Sheena (Portia Doubleday).
This movie really emphasize on the experience of teenage seductions, rejections, temptations, expectations, envious, vulnerabilities and visceral conviction of teenage lust. A quirky cute lovesick adolescent story that starts with an impish and fun idea which turns out to be a devastated results in hoping for a cheap teen fuck which costs him so much greater that he wouldn't imagine!


Here's some of the critics for youth in revolt :

"Youth in Revolt is a teen fantasy filled with lust, imagination, frustration and lots of laughs, artfully made and superbly played." - Tom Long - Detroit News

"I love this new breed of dirty movie. It goes beyond leering, beyond sexism, to the core tension of a culture that ricochets between Puritanism and promiscuity. And it has in Michael Cera a sterling mascot." - David Edelstein - New York Magazine

"Some may find such elements desperate or calculated in their quirky-cuteness, but I think they add to the movie's efforts to evoke the surrealism and excruciating intensity of, as the title puts it, youth in revolt." - Tom Maurstad - Dallas Morning News

One funny facts about the movie is that  no drugs whatsoever were involved at all.*nice* A must watch movie.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Public Announcement #1

Harga rokok telah naik secara tiba-tiba tanpa pemberitahuan secara rasmi dari kerajaan pada 4 oktober 2010 yang lepas dilihat mengakibatkan impak kurang baik kepada perokok-perokok tegar di Malaysia. Kadar kenaikkan rokok yang dikenakan dilihat terlalu mendadak dan absurd. Kenaikkan sebanyak RM0.70 which is equivalent akan harga sekeping roti canai di Malaysia pada tahun 2007 sedikit sebanyak mengakibatkan krisis perbelanjaan bulanan kepada perokok-perokok tegar di Malaysia. Krisis perbelanjaan ini  mengimplikasikan peningkatan perbelanjaan bulanan bagi penghisap rokok-rokok which can go as high as RM300/month. Wow!! dapat disimpulkan bahawa perokok-perokok masa kini adalah antara golongan-golongan yang berbelanja secara mewah setiap bulan. Min RM300 sebulan  merupakan penanda aras bagi membezakan kasta anda di dalam masyarakat sosialis perokok tegar. Penanda aras ini membezakan anda selaku perokok tegar elit di Malaysia atau sebaliknya. [Perokok elit dikategorikan sebagai perokok-perokok setia Marlboro, Dunhill, Kent dan sengkatannya - no offense]. Selain itu perokok-perokok tegar ini dinasihatkan  agar sentiasa mengamalkan exercise regulalrly bagi memastikan kapasiti jantung dan peparu yang mantap dalam usaha meneruskan proses cremation jantung dan peparu anda.
[cremation = meleburkan jantung  dan peparu anda dengan rokok-rokok tersedia.]

Kenaikan harga rokok ini dilihat sebagai antara langkah-langkah termudah dan ter'kacang'  pihak kerajaan Malaysia dalam usaha meningkatkan KDNK negara seperti yang disasarkan iaitu penumbuhan 6% setiap tahun bagi memastikan Malaysia berstatus negara berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 2020. Ini kerana addiction really benefits the government. Don't you think??

Sedikit Visual Aid Untuk Perokok-Perokok Tegar Malaysia 
-p/s : we're still OK comparing to the other countries-

  World Tobacco Chart Info as of 2005 courtesy of Time Magazine

Daripada Rajah yang tertera diatas kita boleh membuat kesimpulan :
  1. Sehingga 2005, Malaysia merupakan negara ke-lapan (8), tertinggi di dunia populasi perokok yang berumur 15 tahun ke atas. Dimana jumlah perokok di Malaysia adalah seramai 4,189,090 orang.
  2. Cuma 0.6% kurang dari negara ke-7 populasi teramai perokok iaitu Jepun.
  3. Russian adalah antara perokok teramai di muka dunia.
  4. 6 punca utama kematian diseluruh dunia (dari avg. jumlah kematian populasi dunia seramai 57 juta orang) adalah berpunca dari tabiat merokok
  5. Ghanaian adalah penyumbang tersikit cukai rokok di dunia.
  6. Even negara-negara jiran kita iaitu Indonesia dan Thailand yang mempunyai volum penduduk yang lebih tinggi dari Malaysia tidak tersenarai di dalam populasi perokok tegar di dunia.
  7. Conclusion yang lain boleh dibuat sendiri.

The Only alternatif tebaik sedia ada untuk fenomena kenaikan harga rokok ini adalah BERHENTI MEROKOK. Didn't we all agree smokers?? BUT..We didn't want to take the hard way rite smokers? instead we'll all just continue what we have done best to our lungs and heart. We Burn The Hell Out of Them..We burn them to the ground rite? QUITTING is for pussies. That's they (smokers) would say..even though from the bottom of our heart we know that BERHENTI MEROKOK is the best solution. Quitting on ciggarettes adalah jalan yang terbaik bagi menjamin kestabilan ekonomi, kemampuan perbelanjaan bulanan disamping menjamin kesihatan perokok-perokok tegar di Malaysia. Namun dalam usaha menghentikan tabiat negatif ini (which is like very  impossible) we'll continue being ignorance and we'll continue buying them. Alas apa yang boleh kita simpulkan dan siratkan disini adalah, kita secara tidak langsung membantu kerajaan menjayakan idealisme Liberisasi yang sedang dipraktikkan dalam tampok pemerintahan kerajaan kini yang dilihat menguntungkan pihak-pihak tertentu dan kasta-kasta tinggi sahaja. we'll continue to support the idea of liberalism  and capitalism of the government on oppressed men whose been struggling with addictions in this case  tobacco/rokok/cigarettes!
DAMN YOU Liberalization. FUCK YOU Capitalism .
Kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat dari fenomena kenaikan yang tiada penghujungnya ini adalah..You're not buying time for your life/health...your paying the organization and so called fuckin' capitalist of your each decreasing minutes/hour/years of your life. Damn you addictions.

P/s RMK-10 sedang berlangsung..harap-harap there will be many good news for Malaysian.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Wishful Night Of Bliss And Blessings

.the night is warm.
.the air is damp.
.i'm still sweating.
.time's ticking.
.i'm still in the haze of uncertainties.
.i wish i would be firmer.
.hope is still there.
.the quiet night scares me.
.i'm craving for Bali air breeze.
.i'm craving for serenity.
.i wanna freeze time.
.i wanna be wealthier.
.i should be healthier.
.i wish i'm wiser.
.i'm further than i'm supposed to be.
.to god.
.to affirmation.
.i'm still flailing.
.i'm still skipping my devoir.
.i'm still hoping my diligence pays.
.i'm still wishing for my prayers.
.i'm still incoherent
.i'm still addicted.
.i'm embracing my life the best way i can.
.my birthday's coming.
.yet i'm still nothing to be proud of.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cabaret Moderate

As you guys know I'm a drool when It comes to
single female singers.
Here's another artist that I wanna share with u guys.
I'm currently obsessed *a bit kinda strong word there* frequently listening to the  Punk Cabaret Rockstar :
Amanda Palmer
listening to the various of her songs and the previous The Dresden Dolls, Cabaret songs has the new breathe of sounds and that can be captured as new wave of 'happy-old-sappy-songs'
during the 20's and 30's.
There something about this genre really intrigue me and capture the sense of new breathe catharsis of music inside me.
It's dark, it's all about self belief, it's about anarchism, It's about expressing yourself, It's about delivering your creativeness and the divergence of the everyday music that we normally listen to. 
What is punk cabaret or dark cabaret by the way??
Punk Cabaret can be define as theme and mood of a Cabaret performance  which draws on the aesthetics of the decadent, risqué German Weimar-era cabarets, burlesque and Vaudeville shows with the stylings of post-1970s goth and punk music. *based on the source of wikipedia*
Amanda Palmer : She's so bad ass didn't she.
get more of her on
Facebook  :
Twitter :
Official Site :
Blogs :
  Amand Palmer : a voracious seeker of creative catharsis
All rights reserved by Amanda Palmer Photo
Here's one of my current favourite song to be listen to..Amanda Fucking Palmer Rocks!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Endless Battle

Life is like a tumbling road nowadays..the road seems like narrowing at the end. I can't see myself being there at the end of the road; alas seems like my life are so far from being on the right track and I'm diving fast and deeper down to the fuckin' downfall lane and I'm not very proud of myself. So much infirmity happened nowadays. Infirmity.Disappointment.Rejection. I'm fucking terrified of these words. I'm having panic attack syndrome on daily basis. It's much worst than pregnancy contraction.*i guess*. I felt like my world is became more and more preposterous day by day. Life is like tumbling and rumbling in the 'failure'ness brawl. I'm in the state of euphoric 'apocalyp'ness and  I'm freaking out.

I indeed need some sort of moral catalyst to urge myself! maybe I'm just being such a whining OLD man worrying something that I shouldn't or wouldn't. I'm kinda lost.I hate myself for not doing the right thing at the first place. Sometimes I think I'm being such a wimp whining OLD man, wanting so much inveteracy and affirmative in life, feelings like : 'I-should-have-done-this-by-now/year/2013', thinking that I should be making at least 36k/year by now and etc..Maybe I'm just being overreacting, I was thinking  way too much about life, overly think about my future prospects : the only think that can bring me back to reality is that : I'm saying to myself : "YOU DON'T KNOW THE Freakin' FUTURE DUDE!! Stop the fucking madness!! It's so overrated - stop being too organized and too "one-step-ahead" about your life could ya? Life is all about taking is about taking second chance..Life is about making wrong decision and learning your lessons. Stop worrying too much about your life, let life run its course by itself and be happy with what and who your're just perfect the way you can't be too well plan and having so much plan in life..let life be..let god decide on your destiny and your life..let time passed by...let your life run unaccordingly. Like Florance Welch once quoted :

"Don't worry too much about the everyday things. Otherwise you'll lose touch with your own world,"

Don't freak out just simply because your slightly out of track. Life is a roller coaster ride ain't it? Life should be free. Life should be on the course by itself. Let god decide what HE have destined for you, don't lose your faith, have faith in qada' and qadar..Life is all about putting your effort wisely and always pray/hoping for something better..with gods will you'll be on the right track and life will soon get better.