
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What Are You?

People lived day by day doing at what they do best, or what they have to do to go on with life. Passion, integrity, tenacity, responsibilities, leverage, mortgages or commitment is the only strength you have to go on in life. I do envy people who live their life by doing at they really love, doing really what they passionate about, it doesn't matter weather it is food, music, taking photo, design, doing art, paint, build or anything. Some people live their whole life doing what they love, doing what they're passionate about -- money is not their main interest/drive, passion comes first. I really do envy these peoples. I wish I could do the same. But sometimes your responsibilities and commitment stops you at what your doing best or what you really want to be or to do in life.

People said to be who you really are, is to believe in what you say or what you do. It really doesn't matter what you do in life, for me the best thing to do about life is to try fall in love for every thing that you do and be passionate about it.

So what are drives you? Shell or Esso?

Passion? mortgage? responsibilities? commitment? or..?


Amar B. said...

abang burung ade blog

aliqxx said...

haha..cube2 je..
so ok tak??
weh aku nk meter reader mcm kt blog ko mar,

Hani Hassim said...

"Is YOU what people see or what you see? Comfort cradle in own comfort world but yet spinning around to gain more coz what people see are your true success! Is it? Beat it! Be in your own skin yet vary people perception that you are doing marvelous. Even for them you are neither hero. Is YOU that important!"