What makes you a man?? what is it differentiate you a boy from a man?? simple question with simple answer.. responsibilities in my context (nikah). Taking the ownership of responsibilities and live your life with it. Bernikah is a big responsibilities and it's scary!! rite!!?? Nikah is like a testament of you being ready for the responsibilities to be hold. Am I rite?? during and before the Nikah session..men must be like stutter/shivering/nk terciritbirits/demam2. I think its normal to have those feelings. All the rush of blood, all the adrenalin rush, all the toilet sessions menyeramkan~~ some men felt that marriage is like a desolation of their freedom, a grotesque experience of a dying freedom and being single. but it's actually the exaltation of life that need to be felt and celebrate.
I've experience the 1st glimpse of Manhood last friday.(again in my context : Nikah). It was a nervewrecking experience and a refreshing perspective of life as a man. Bernikah is like a receivership all mother of responsibilities passing from the father to a husband in the most sacred and religious way. It takes a courage to perceive such responsibilities. I salute to those men who've experience such.
I really hope I'm more than ready for the world of manhood when my time comes..hopefully it's not too soon..*wink*
welcome to manhood and married life ikan@norazri azis & Nurhidayah Rusli..have a blissful married life..~ Amin~
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